FTP upload, download, delete ,get files asp.net

you first need to download FtpClient.cs from here once you add this file to your project you can upload - download - delete and get files from FTP servers - To get all files from ftp:

FTPclient ftPclient = new FTPclient("XXX.XXX.X.XX", "xx-xx", "xx-xx"); foreach (FTPfileInfo ky in ftPclient.ListDirectoryDetail("")) { TreeNode trParent = new TreeNode(); trParent.Text = ky.Filename; trParent.Value = ky.FullName; trVFiles.Nodes.Add(trParent); }
- To Upload Files

if (Fileupload1.HasFile) { FTPclient ftPclient = new FTPclient("XXX.XXX.X.XX", "xx-xx", "xx-xx"); ftPclient.Upload(fu_FtFile.FileContent, fu_FtFile.FileName); }
- To Download Files:

FTPclient ftPclient = new FTPclient("XXX.XXX.X.XX", "xx-xx", "xx-xx"); byte[] _downFile = ftPclient.Download(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string _fname = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); Response.ContentType = "application/" + _fname.Split('.')[1]; Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + _fname); Response.OutputStream.Write(_downFile, 0, _downFile.Length); Response.End();


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